Unlike a shared web hosting account where the info is backed up by the hosting company, when you employ a virtual or a dedicated hosting server you will have to keep manual backups as this type of a service is not provided by default. As fantastic as a web server may be, there's always the possibility that something could go wrong. As an example, you might delete some content by accident or a script-driven application may get damaged after an update. If you have a backup, you shall not have to worry about this kind of issues because the content can be easily restored. Since it may not be really handy to do this all the time on your end, we supply an optional backup service for every one of our hosting server solutions and we will store a copy of your content on an individual server to ensure that it is intact no matter what. With the upgrade, you could work on your server without having to worry that you may lose any data due to any reason.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers
We offer weekly backups for each and every dedicated server, so regardless of what OS or hosting Control Panel you select or what content you upload, we are able to keep a copy of your data on a separate web server and restore it when you require it. The upgrade supply you with fifty gigabytes of disk space you can use and you could obtain it anytime with several mouse clicks. If you want to have backups right away, for example, you can get the service along with the dedicated web server, while if you need it later on, you'll be able to add it to your plan from the billing area. While all hardware elements are reviewed thoroughly, a software problem may surface at any time, so using our backup service shall give you more security, specifically if you have critical information on the hosting server. You could use this service as part of our Managed Services package deal as well as well as a number of other web server management services which shall make the administration of your dedicated web server much simpler.